Fiscal Sponsorship
Starting a nonprofit, gaining 501(c)(3) status and filing financial documents can be time-consuming and expensive. Partnering with a fiscal sponsor can save small organizations the time and money put forth in administrative and operational needs.
Through the RevComm Foundation projects and organization can take the next steps toward revolutionizing their communities.

An organization that holds tax exemption or 501(c)(3) status has the ability to accept donations from individuals, corporation and government entities while providing donors with a tax deduction, organization will also have the ability to apply for and distribute grants, host fundraisers/events, and operate mission-driven programs.. The process of retaining this exemption can be expensive and time consuming for an organization that may not have the bandwidth to complete the process.
Through a fiscal sponsorship an organization can utilize the tax exempt status of a nonprofit organization to without having to complete the process of obtaining this tax exempt status.
Through providing fiscal sponsorship options the RevComm Foundation aims to support more grassroot agencies. By sponsoring an organization that may not have the bandwidth to complete the tax exemption process RevComm allows organizations to focus on their mission and more quickly begin supporting the community.
As a fiscally sponsored organizations, here are a few of the benefits your organization can gain:
- Ability to solicit tax-deducible donations.
- Apply for grants (public and government).
- Host fundraising events.
- Operation mission programs.
- Online Donations up to $100,000.
- Access to nonprofit consultant professionals.
RevComm Foundation is proud of its mission-agnostic commitment to supporting nonprofit organizations, meaning we do not restrict funding to specific focus areas. The only guidelines required of applicants is that applicants must be based in Southern California and must promote diversity, equity and inclusion. The RevComm Foundation is passionate about seeing real change in communities, supporting programs with a positive impact and assisting organization with ideas take the first steps to success.
If interested in becoming fiscally sponsored, please click on the button below to complete the application form. This form will give RevComm a snapshot of your project/organization.
The RevComm Foundation believes in the mission’s of their fiscally sponsored organizations. Through the application process our board of directors becomes closely impacted by the stories of each organization. Help support the missions under our sponsorship.